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Read book McGraw-Hill Education Preparation for the GED Test with DVD-ROM by Cynthia Johnson MOBI


"This new edition of the bestselling GED practice/review guide now comes with a bonus Test Planner App, plus two additional interactive tests on DVD-ROM" Covering all four test subject areas--Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA), Social Studies, Science, and Mathematical Reasoning--"McGraw-Hill Education Preparation for the GED Test" gives you intensive review and practice in all subject areas of the exam. Pretests for each test section help you identify strengths and weaknesses before starting your study. Learning objectives are based on the Common Core State Standards, just like the real exam. Full-length practice tests with complete answer explanations are modeled on the actual exam Exercises reinforce new skills and measure test-taking readiness Interactive Test Planner App enables you to customize a study plan on your mobile device DVD-ROM provides two additional interactive practice tests that simulate the real test-taking experience, This new edition of the bestselling GED practice/review guide comes with two additional interactive practice tests on DVD-ROM Covering all four test subject areas Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA), Social Studies, Science, and Mathematical Reasoning McGraw-Hill Education Preparation for the GED Test gives you intensive review and practice in all subject areas of the exam. Pretests for each test section help you identify strengths and weaknesses before starting your study. Learning objectives are based on the Common Core State Standards, just like the real exam. Full-length practice tests with complete answer explanations are modeled on the actual exam Exercises reinforce new skills and measure test-taking readiness DVD-ROM provides two additional interactive practice tests that simulate the real test-taking experience "

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