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Book - International and Cultural Psychology: Learning in Cultural Context : Family, Peers, and School (2005, Hardcover) in MOBI


In these ten articles, contributors examine the ways that teaching and learning are central to transmit culture. They emphasize using social interaction, cultural tools, and history in children's development, based on the premise that learning is a cultural process that happens through participation. The articles about learning in informal settings, International and Cultural Psychology: Topics, Issues, and Directions will publish books on topics, issues, and directions in psychology from international and cultural perspectives. In particular, the series will focus on problems and challenges to mental health, psychosocial wellbeing, human growth and development, and human welfare that are emerging from the global context of our contemporary lives. In addressing these important concerns, the proposed series has the potential to advance significant psychological knowledge regarding the nature and consequences of the many social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental events and forces that are currently imposing demands on our individual and collective psyches. The series will emphasize international and cultural perspectives on typical psychological topics and issues such as therapy, assessment, organizational psychology, community psychology, child development, and various disorders. In addition, the series will address major global challenges such as poverty, peace, urbanization, modernization, refugees, and migration. The series recognizes and acknowledges the multidisciplinary, multisectoral, and multicultural nature and consequences of the global context of our lives, and seeks to publish books that will reflect these characteristics. Book length will be approximately 300-350 published pages (700 double-spaced typed manuscript pages). The target group for this book series includes a broad spectrum of psychologists, social scientists, and other scholars and professionals interested in theory, methodology, and research related to cultural and international determinants of human behavior., Thetimewhenparentsrecognizetheirchildhasadevelopmental- lay is one they never forget. In addition to dealing with the emotional consequences, parentsbegintoreorganizetheirresources, theirfamily- tivities, andtheirgoalsandpriorities.Parentsbegintoreshapetheirdaily familyroutinetoaccommodatetotheirchildwithdelays, usingwhat- sources they have, responding to the nature of their child s conditions. This is an achievement worthy of our respect and worthy of scienti'c inquiry. Themotherwhosevoicewehearintheopeningquotehasa9-ye- old son with ADD and pervasive developmental disorder. She does not work outside the home, due to the fact that, in addition to her son, she has2daughters(ages11and7)withhearingimpairmentsandmildlea- ingdisabilities.However, sherecentlystartedbacktoschooltoearnher bachelor sdegree.Shevolunteersinherson sclassasmuchasshecan, and actively monitors all 3 children s school placements. Her desire to ?nd the best programs for her children led to both her daughters being placed in a school district over 50 miles away from the family home. Her husband just accepted a new full-time job with a very long c- mute, so while he is supportive, he will be less available than before. The family is high moderate in SES, and the father s new job provides insurance coverage that they didn t have previously. Mother is always upbeatandhasseeminglyendlessenergy.However, withallthatthisf- ily tries to do, their daily routine shows obvious strains, con'icts, and struggles. We call this ongoing project of reshaping the family daily routine, sustainingafamilysocialecology.Ourqualitativeandquantitativem- suresofsustainability, andtheirassociationswithothermeasuresoffamily ecologyandenvironment, arethesubjectofthischapter.Thecomparative advantage of understanding and assessing sustainability is that a f- ily sownculturalgoalsarecentraltotheconstructanditsmeasurement, andthatitisaholisticandcontextualizedassessmentoffamilystrengths.", This volume focuses on the cultural aspects of learning and cognitive processes, examining the theory, methods, findings, and applications in this area. The chapter authors cover such topics as family context, peer interaction and formal education., While many volumes have been written about the social context of children's learning, less attention has been given to the cultural context in which cognition and learning take place. This book focuses precisely on the cultural aspects of learning and cognitive processes, in a full-blown examination of theory, methods, findings, and applications in this area. In examining how to apply sociocultural theory to learning across the lifespan, the chapter authors cover such topics as family context, peer interaction and formal education. The interactive domains that adults and children use to create learning situations are explored with several chapters on children's learning and the ways that cognitive processes shape and are reciprocally shaped by development, including the growth of moral concepts.

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